16 May 2006

What you will find herein.

The subjects that will be tackled here will bounce around the Bible from time to time and sometimes appear to have nothing to do with scripture. That is one of the things that should be perfectly clear from the outset. This is not just about the Judeo-Christian Faith, but all faiths. All have their good points as well as their bad. Those belonging to each faith should own up to the faults therein.

But, for the most part, we will focus on the Judeo-Christian Faith. This is because it appears to be the dominate religion in Western Society and therefore the more known amongst our potential readers.

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12 May 2006

Why Armchair Theonomy?

In the ancient world, a world which was by no means as primitive as we sometimes like to think, the scientific study of the heavens was known as Astrology. Then, gradually, this term began to be associated with what orthodox scientists regarded as the lunatic element of star-gazing, the art which saw in the position of the stars and planets at a given moment signs of good or bad fortune for human beings. Feeling that this denigrated their scientific method, those who applied observation and reason to the stars and suns of space left the predictors to get on with things, left them with the term "Astrology" and renamed the scientific side of things "Astronomy."

I am not passing judgment either way on the rights and wrongs of astrology, indeed I am not qualified to do so. I mention the above purely as a reference to reported history, and because I believe that the time has come to make a similar change with regard to the use of the term "Theology." Theology, in my view, has become discredited by ignoring observation and reason in favour of sometimes very convoluted ways of making the "facts" fit the doctrine. We need to move towards a much more scientific and empirical way of looking at the claims of religion, and to do that we first need to abandon the use of the term "Theology" replace it with something else. I suggest "THEONOMY" The farcical reasoning of many theologians in the past has meant that the discipline is so discredited that only by adopting a new name, and accepting the separation from the past that such a change implies, can there be any hope of acceptance. Starting with an open mind and working from the evidence to a conclusion is not an easy path, but it is a very rewarding one.

---Taken from http://www.theologica.net
from the article, Duality in the Gospels

Thus begins the article by a man only going by John on theologica.net. From reading his website, we can conclude that he was a minister for most of his life and the views presented within his website are not just tossed together by some crackpot. This man had formal training in his line of work.
Unlike myself. I freely admit that the material you will find gracing this blog is not from someone who has spent years of studying in schools, nor will I say that I have THE ENDS ALL TRUTH. But I will express my opinions on some of the beliefs found under the banner of Christianity today. The articles will appear on average, once a week. As I work full time, and at night, I will post as I have a chance, but will attempt to maintain the once a week formula. So without any more hoo-haa, let us begin to explore Christianity with open minds.
-- hk

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